Saturday, 26 July 2014

free Doodle: easy scheduling 1.0.3 torrent download

Doodle: easy scheduling


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Find the right date and time for a group of people to meet with Doodle's easy scheduling.


* Official Doodle ( Android application

* Android users may still choose to use Mobile Doodle web site for free

* The app will be charged the price shown above on a yearly basis

* For the calendar integration, the local calendars of the device are used

Doodle: easy scheduling now available for Android phones and tablets: Find the right date and time for a group of people to meet and enjoy Doodle's effortless scheduling the Android way.

Doodle for Android supports all the essential features known from the web version:

• Easily participate in any poll by tapping on its participation link anywhere on your Android device (e.g. in Mail)

• Initiate and track meeting requests from your Android device, wherever you are

• Invite participants using your Android address book

• Optimized result view suggesting the best option for your meeting

• Communicate with participants using the comments feature

• Quick participation with the "All Options" or "None of the options" buttons

• Easy access and overview from your dashboard

• Connect your Doodle account to stay in sync with your web dashboard

About Doodle

As the world's leading online scheduling tool, Doodle takes the pain out of finding the right date and time for a group of people to meet and makes scheduling virtually effortless. The basic service is available for free at with neither registration nor software installation required.

Download .apk

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